Technologies Used

GraphQL Query and Mutation Operations
The data on this page is fetched from the GraphQL layer auto-generated via pg_graphql.
pg_graphql generates standardized pagination types and fields as defined by the GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification.
GraphQL Code Generation
GraphQL Code Generator introspects your GraphQL schema and operations and generates the types for full backend to frontend type-safety.
GraphQL Fragments
Components use GraphQL fragments to share logic between multiple queries and mutations.
pg_graphql Postgres Extension
pg_graphql generates a GraphQL API based on the Postgres schema.
Total Counts
Use pg_graphql's totalCount comment-based GraphQL Directive to count of the rows that match the query's filters.
Schema Inflection
Use pg_graphql's inflect_names comment-based GraphQL Directive to convert from snake_case to PascalCase for type names, and snake_case to camelCase for field names to match Javascript conventions when generating your GraphQL schema.
Supabase Postgres
Every Supabase project is a dedicated PostgreSQL database, trusted by millions of developers. It provide some of the most common extensions with a one-click install.
Supabase Auth
Authorization cannot get any easier. Every Supabase project comes with a complete User Management system that works without any additional tools.
Postgres RLS
Row level security on the Postgres layer ensures that viewers can only access what they are allowed to access and can only create records when authenticated.
Postgres Functions
Built-in support for SQL functions. These functions live inside your database, and they can be used with the Supabase API or invoked by a Postgres Trigger.
Postgres Triggers
Execute any SQL code after inserting, updating, or deleting data. We recalculate the feed scores by invoking a function each time someone votes (or change their vote).